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Introduksjonsprogram for havvind del 2: Kompetansebygging
Introduction from Export Finance Norway
Introduction from Export Finance Norway (0/1)
Introduction from Export Finance Norway
Markedsoversikt (NORWEP) (0/7)
Upcoming lease auctions
Global offshore wind market overview
Market expansion 2016-2030
Norwegian home marked
Floating offshore wind status
Report: Market introduction to the development of offshore wind
Contact information NORWEP
Interessenter og potensiale for norske bedrifter (NORWEP) (0/5)
Key players
Market potential in relation to Norwegian skills
Where to go and what comes next
Report: Process flow for the development of offshore wind
Contact information NORWEP
Kontrakter og avtaler (Haavind) (0/4)
Marked premises and contractual impacts
Pre-read: Contracts and agreements
Contracts and agreements
Terms and conditions
Reguleringer (DNV) (0/5)
Introduction to offshore wind regulations
Standards and supplementary documents
Courses on offshore wind
Ambitions for offshore wind
Country specific regulations
Finansiering (Eksfin and IN) (0/4)
Introduction to Export Finance Norway (Eksfin)
Eksfin's financing schemes
Innovation Norway's financing schemes
Contact information Eksfin and Innovation Norway
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